well , why neocities..?

i love html for its lack of limitations , nd jst the idea of having something all mine.. completely frm my design.. is rly nice ; heheh
i've used lots of other site-builders.. like strawpage nd carrd , bt i always come crawling bck to here.. the layout may chnge a lot , mayb not ! sometimes i gt super fixated wth th design nd sometimes it bores me out of m mind..

i do encourage others to hav their own littl webcorners as well.. ; mayb they dnt care as mch as me abt being understood or free to express , bt i thnk thts something everyone shld get to experience ;

oh.. also i shld note ! ths ws made on google chrome on a 2560 x 1440 monitor.. it probably wll not look th best wth mobile :c i m sry abt tht.. as for other browsers nd resolutions.. nt sure.. if smth looks funny ill try m vry best to fix it ; jst snd me a msg anywhere ;

; link me ;